Diversion Agreement Irish Water

A diversion agreement is a legal agreement that allows a landowner to divert a specified amount of water from a watercourse to a different location on their property. Irish Water, the national water utility provider in the Republic of Ireland, offers diversion agreements to landowners who wish to use water for agricultural or other purposes.

The first step in obtaining a diversion agreement from Irish Water is to contact the company and provide detailed information about the proposed diversion, including the amount of water to be diverted, the location of the diversion point, and the intended use of the water. Irish Water will then assess the application and determine whether the proposed diversion is feasible and sustainable.

If the application is approved, a diversion agreement will be drawn up that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement. This will include details of the amount of water that can be diverted, the time period during which the diversion can occur, and any restrictions that may be placed on the use of the water.

Landowners who obtain a diversion agreement from Irish Water must comply with all of the terms and conditions of the agreement. Failure to do so can result in the agreement being terminated, and the landowner may be liable for any damages caused as a result of the diversion.

In addition to providing diversion agreements, Irish Water also works to protect Ireland`s water resources by monitoring and enforcing regulations related to water quality, water conservation, and environmental protection. The company works closely with local communities and stakeholders to ensure that water resources are managed in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Overall, diversion agreements from Irish Water can be a valuable tool for landowners who need access to water for agricultural or other purposes. By working closely with the company and following all of the terms and conditions of the agreement, landowners can ensure that they are able to make use of water resources in a sustainable and responsible manner.

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