Double Taxation Agreement Belgium Uk

Double Taxation Agreement Belgium UK: What You Need To Know

Belgium and the United Kingdom have a longstanding double taxation agreement in place. This agreement is designed to prevent individuals and companies from being taxed twice on the same income or gains. It sets out the rules for how taxes are determined, who is responsible for paying them, and how disputes are resolved.

What is Double Taxation?

Double taxation occurs when a person or company is taxed twice on the same income or gains in two different countries. This can happen when a person earns income or gains from a source in one country and is then taxed on that income or gains in both countries. This can create a burden on the taxpayer and can reduce the economic growth of both countries.

To prevent this, many countries have entered into double taxation treaties or agreements with other countries. These agreements specify how taxes are determined and how they are to be paid so that the taxpayer is not taxed twice on the same income or gains.

Belgium UK Double Taxation Agreement

The double taxation agreement between Belgium and the UK is designed to eliminate double taxation between the two countries. This agreement sets out the rules for determining taxes on various types of income and gains and provides relief for taxes paid in the other country.

The agreement covers taxes on income from employment, income from self-employment, dividends, interest, royalties, pensions, and capital gains. It also covers taxes on income from immovable property, including rental income.

Under the agreement, if a person or company is liable for tax in both Belgium and the UK, they can claim relief from one of the countries for the tax paid in the other country. This ensures that they are not taxed twice on the same income or gains.

The agreement also provides for the exchange of information between the tax authorities of the two countries. This is important for ensuring that taxpayers comply with the tax laws of both countries and for preventing tax evasion.


The double taxation agreement between Belgium and the UK is an important agreement that helps to prevent double taxation between the two countries. It sets out the rules for determining taxes on various types of income and gains and provides relief for taxes paid in the other country. This ensures that taxpayers are not taxed twice on the same income or gains and helps to promote economic growth in both countries. If you are a resident or a taxpayer in either Belgium or the UK, it is important to be familiar with the provisions of the agreement to avoid being taxed twice on your income or gains.

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